Durban from above

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ginger William of Orange: Introduction

Dedicated to CALVIN (Co-owner of Kingfisher2) with deep admiration.
Ginger William of Orange, aka Ginger, or Fizzy Willy, or Fizzy

This will serve as introductionTo forthcoming grand production
Which some may indeed have sensed
Has in ‘Repost’ now commenced

Comes a tale of how a cat
Joined an expedition that
Once in lifetime chanced to be;
Days when one could wander free
Through the wonders of this land ;
Few, alas, now understand
Times like that, which were so dear,
When one travelled without fear
Stopping when the impulse took,
Never any fearful look
At what dangers there might be
From some crazed humanity.

Out our family of four
Set, to be joined by one more
In an unexpected way
On a memorable day.

South West Africa the scene
Where no cat had ever been ;
First, Fish River Canyon’s slopes
Sharing in our New Year hopes

Through the Namib; quite a gamble;
Luderitz, and coastal ramble;

On to wonders he has been
Which no longer may be seen.

Even through to Windhoek, where
We were given quite a scare,
Till, to Orange River banks,
We returned him, with deep thanks;

Ginger Will of Orange, he –
Water’s where he’d want to be.

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